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[google_maps latitude=”47.660937″ longitude=”9.569803″ html=”We are here” popup=”true” zoom=”10″ infoheader=”Dish” infocity=”Acton” infostreet=”2133 Stanton Hollow Road” infopostcode=”MA 01720″ infophone=”781-480-6580″ infofax=”781-480-6599″ infoemail=”[email protected]” height=”300″]
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[sourcecode language=”html”]
[[book_table header="…"
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[contact header=”dish.” name=”CEO” subname=”dish. restaurant” address=”331 W 4th St, NY,
New York, USA” phone=”049 +1 212-242-9502″ email=”[email protected]”]
[sourcecode language=”html”]
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email="[email protected]"]]
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[week_specials header=”Weekly specials: Monday 11.February untill 15. February 2013” mondaylabel=”Monday:” tuesdaylabel=”Tuesday:” wednesdaylabel=”Wednesday:” thursdaylabel=”Thursday:” fridaylabel=”Friday:” monday=” $22 Braised rabbit leg in cognac cream sauce with glazed grapes, Baby carrots and dumplings.” tuesday=” $22 Braised rabbit leg in cognac cream sauce with glazed grapes, Baby carrots and dumplings.” wednesday=” $22 Braised rabbit leg in cognac cream sauce with glazed grapes, Baby carrots and dumplings.” thursday=” $22 Braised rabbit leg in cognac cream sauce with glazed grapes, Baby carrots and dumplings.” friday=” $22 Braised rabbit leg in cognac cream sauce with glazed grapes, Baby carrots and dumplings.” saturday=” $22 Braised rabbit leg in cognac cream sauce with glazed grapes, Baby carrots and dumplings.” sunday=” $22 Braised rabbit leg in cognac cream sauce with glazed grapes, Baby carrots and dumplings.”]
[sourcecode language=”html”][[week_specials header="header" mondaylabel="Monday " tuesdaylabel="Tuesday "
wednesdaylabel="Wednesday " thursdaylabel="Thursday " fridaylabel="Friday " saturdaylabel="Saturday "
sundaylabel="Sunday " monday="Lorem.." tuesday="Lorem.." wednesday="Lorem.." thursday="Lorem.."
friday="Lorem.." saturday="Lorem.." sunday="Lorem.."]]
[shortcode_params name=”week_specials”]

[open_hours header=”Open Hours” mondaylabel=”Monday ” tuesdaylabel=”Tuesday ” wednesdaylabel=”Wednesday ”
thursdaylabel=”Thursday ” fridaylabel=”Friday ” saturdaylabel=”Saturday ” sundaylabel=”Sunday ”
monday=”10.00 – 18.00″ tuesday=”10.00 – 18.00″ wednesday=”10.00 – 18.00″ thursday=”10.00 – 18.00″
friday=”10.00 – 18.00″ saturday=”10.00 – 18.00″ sunday=”closed”]
[sourcecode language=”html”][[open_hours header="Open Hours" mondaylabel="Monday " tuesdaylabel="Tuesday "
wednesdaylabel="Wednesday" thursdaylabel="Thursday " fridaylabel="Friday " saturdaylabel="Saturday "
sundaylabel="Sunday " monday="10.00 – 18.00" tuesday="10.00 – 18.00" wednesday="10.00 – 18.00"
thursday="10.00 – 18.00" friday="10.00 – 18.00" saturday="10.00 – 18.00" sunday="closed"]]
[shortcode_params name=”open_hours”]
